Even though I look like a swimmer, my hair was just up. I used orange roses for the background, red and white roses for the shirt, blue roses for my neck and arm, and pink roses for the hair.
I drew a emoji face on ArtRage 2 Deluxe, then took my photo, after I erased the background and my head, added the emoji, and added a techno background.
I first took a black pen and drew my design, then scanned it onto a flash drive and added it to photoshop. Then I used the fill bucket to color my drawing.
This is my animated gif. I took multiple photos of Sydney doing a front walkover. Then put the pictures in Adobe Photoshop CS5 to put the pictures into a gif.
To create this I went outside and took 14 photos around me. I then put them in photoshop and created a blank file. I put all the photos so they connected and thats how I created this.